Thursday, May 29, 2014

Is a multinational company based in cupertino end of U.S. (United States) and one small in Dublin (Ireland) which designs and produces electronic equipment and software.3 Among the best-known hardware products the company has Macintosh computers, the iPod, iPhone and iPad.

Steve jobs  founded Apple in 1976 along with a boyhood friend Steve Wozniak in his garage. Buoyed by the success of the Apple II Jobs gained a high public profile, with cover of Time in 1982.

To help change 
the way people 
work, learn and 
communicate with customers by providing exceptional products for personal computing and innovative customer services. 
It is based on 3 pillars, professionalism, technology and experience, to improve the quality of life for our customers and be recognized as the leader in information technology and entertainment.

Apple: "Producing high quality, low cost, easy to use products that incorporate high technology for the individual. We are showing that high-tech does not have to be intimidating to the non-computer experts. "
Apple values ​​are the qualities , customs , standards and principles that the company believes will help him and his employees to succeed. They are the foundation of what we do and how we do it . Overall, Apple are identified as a single company .
These are the values ​​that govern the conduct of business of APPLE INC:
Empathy customers / users
Providing superior products that fill real needs and provide lasting value. We deal fairly with competitors and meet customers and suppliers more than half. We are really interested in solving customer problems , and we will not compromise our ethics and integrity in the name of profit .

Aggression / Performance
Set aggressive goals and to achieve them outselves hard disk. We recognize that this is a unique moment , when our products wil change the way we work and live. It's an adventure , and we're in this together.

Positive social contribution
Create products that extend human capabilities , freeing people from drudgery and help them achieve more than working separately. But beyond that , we hope to make this world a better place to live. As a corporate citizen , we want to be an economic, intellectual and social asset in communities where we operate.

Innovation / Vision
We have built our company on innovation, delivering products that were new and necessary. The inherent risks following accepted our vision , and work to develop leading products that command the profit margins we strive for.

Quality Excellence /
We care about what we do. Built on Apple products a level of quality , performance and value that the respect and loyalty of our customers win. In Apple , quality management is critical to our continued success.

we recognize each person 's contribution to Apple's success , and we share the economic benefits derived from high performance. We also recognize that the rewards must be psychological as well as financial , and strive to create an environment where each person can share the adventure and excitement of working at Apple.

Cupertino, California, Estados Unidos